We are a dynamically developing company consisting of a team of specialists with experience in the FUSING glass industry.
Our primary goal is an ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION of the buyers of our unique glass doors and other elements of interior architecture.
Our products are created on the basis of the technology of manual production using the highest quality materials. The variety of glass colours and patterns ensures the satisfaction of various customer preferences.
We provide consulting and assembly of our products, all that at an extremely affordable price. Our products distinguish themselves on the market by their original design.
While maintaining the highest quality of performance, we keep the price of our products at a very satisfactory level.
We take care of our customers, which hopefully will positively influence the choice of our products, which fit individual needs, and the final satisfaction, caused by having a unique design element at home.
We are sure of the quality of our products, therefore, we also offer you a favourable warranty and service support. Our doors go through a hardening process thanks to which they are completely safe to use.
Unique glass doors of hand-made fused glass are available in 12 various colours, each in 3 different colour versions. Our glass doors will make your home unique.
Thanks to a hand-made production we give an exceptional shape of a bas-relief combined with a palette of wonderful colours to every door.
We are sure of the quality of our products, therefore, we also offer you a favourable warranty. Our doors go through a hardening process thanks to which they are completely safe to use.
Available sizes:
– 717 x 2017 mm
– 817 x 2017 mm
– 917 x 2017 mm
We offer hinges and door handles from reputable companies for standard door models.
The doors are prepared for installation in door frames.
The hinges are mounted on the left or right, depending on the customer’s preference.
The relief may also, on your request, be placed on the outside or inside.
Due to a manual production, individual patterns and colours may differ from those presented.
We offer a wide range of accessories and additions to our doors, so that all of them have a unique look. We cooperate with many companies, which supply us with decorative elements so that our range of accessories is constantly growing.
Operational Program Eastern Poland, priority axis 1 Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland, action 1.2 Internationalization of SMEs. “Support for the internationalization and export activity of the company INVESTLAND Sp. z o.o. “
implements a co-financed project from European Funds
no. POPW.01.02.00-18-0055 / 19 “Support for the internationalization and export activity of the company INVESTLAND Sp. z o.o. “
Name of the Beneficiary: Investland Sp. z o.o.
Project goal: Expansion of Investland’s products on the Australian, Swedish and Romanian markets
Planned results: Developing an established position and increasing the recognition of Investland on the Australian, Swedish and Romanian market
Project value: PLN 999,990.00
European Union contribution: PLN 691,050.00
Implementation period: 2020
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under
Of the Operational Program Eastern Poland 2014-2020,
priority axis: Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland I
Action: 1.2 Internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises
Inquiry No. 1/2020 regarding the contract for services related to the implementation of the project “Support for internationalization and export activity of the company INVESTLAND Sp. z o.o.
Szanowni Państwo
Zapraszamy do składania ofert w ramach zapytania ofertowego nr 1/2020,
dotyczącego zamówienia na usługi związane z realizacją projektu „Wsparcie umiędzynarodowienia oraz działalności eksportowej przedsiębiorstwa INVESTLAND Sp. z o.o.”
o numerze: POPW.01.02.00-18-0055/19 w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Polska Wschodnia, oś priorytetowa 1 Przedsiębiorcza Polska Wschodnia działanie 1.2 Internacjonalizacja MŚP.
Oferty należy składać do dnia 18.02.2020 r. do godz. 9:00, na adres:
Korczyna 38-420
Trębacka 11 A
powiat: krośnieński
województwo: podkarpackie
z dopiskiem:
„Oferta – Zapytanie ofertowe nr 1/2020 dotyczące zamówienia na usługi związane z realizacją projektu „Wsparcie umiędzynarodowienia oraz działalności eksportowej przedsiębiorstwa INVESTLAND Sp. z o.o.”
3. Oświadczenie o spełnieniu warunków uczestnictwa w postępowaniu
4. Oświadczenie o braku podstaw do wykluczenia
5. Wzór oświadczenia o dobrowolnym poddaniu się egzekucji
Informacja o wybranym wykonawcy:
Status: Rozstrzygnięte
Nazwa i adres, data wpłynięcia oferty oraz jej cena:
FEEL3 Sp. z o.o.
17 Stycznia 52
02-143 Warszawa
NIP: 5272639049
Data wpłynięcia oferty: 14.02.2020 r.
Cena oferty netto: 788 690,00 PLN
Cena oferty brutto: 970 088,70 PLN
Pełna lista podmiotów:
FEEL3 Sp. z o.o., NIP: 5272639049 – liczba uzyskanych punktów: 100 pkt.